Thursday, December 20, 2012

Early Poster for BFTDD

More BFTDD Concept Art


Wu Tung. He's not very nice.

Wu Tung spends a lot of time in here.

BFTDD Concept Art

I have finished the first draft of Blood for the Devil's Daughters so here is some concept art images I've been using to pitch with. Next I need to shoot something.

Taz finds out cutting off their heads isn't enough.

The Vampyre girls.

Maybe they will have swords. I'm not sure yet.

Confessions of a Rookie Filmmaker No 2

I've got number 2 off to the printers. They say it's on the way. I notice that in some places, on their website, the cover comes up black. The cost of postage form the U.S. seems to be no less than $14 even for 1 item. So I expect I will only sell any here, in Australia, by printing them and getting them sent over. Oh well.